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MassHealth and Health Safety Net

MassHealth is the Medicaid program for Massachusetts. It provides health insurance to low-income residents and families. There are different forms of MassHealth and not all of them cover abortion care; you will need to make sure you have or enroll in MassHealth Standard. In MassHealth Standard, your abortion care will be free.

Help finding a Provider

If you already have MassHealth and are having trouble finding a clinic or doctor who will take your MassHealth, give us a call and we'll help you find one that does.

Enroll Now

If you're early in your pregnancy and you don't have insurance, you may be eligible to enroll in MassHealth. If you think you may qualify or if you have questions about your eligibility, visit the MassHealth website to get information about enrolling, or contact Health Care for All and let them know we referred you. Health Care for All has an excellent helpline serving English, Spanish, and Portuguese speakers.

You can apply for MassHealth online or you can file your application in person at a community health center (CHC) or hospital. Filing in person is usually the quickest way to get enrolled. Health Care for All can also help you prepare your application.

Health Safety Net (also called "Free Care")

If you use Health Safety Net, abortion care is also covered, but you may have to travel to Boston or Cambridge for your procedure. If you use Health Safety Net and are having trouble finding a clinic or doctor, give us a call for more information. We may also be able to assist with the costs of travel to Boston.

You should always feel free to call us, even if you plan to use MassHealth to cover your abortion care. Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or have any problems with MassHealth or Health Safety Net. We will do our best to assist you to get the care to which you are entitled or to put you in touch with someone who can.

Abortion Care Resources

Here are some resources for people who have had abortions:

Abortion Conversation Projects

NNAF We Testify

Exhale: After Abortion Helpline